We departed from Singapore Budget Terminal on 11 December 2008. I had managed to 'kidnap' Amira and Azila for this trip. Its hard to bring these 2 gerls as they are more attached to their parents. Since my brother and his wife are doing their pilgrimage, its just right that I scooped his daughters away. To make the trip more merrier, I decided to tag Naz and Yaya. Btw, Its Naz and Yaya first time too not going with their parents. So good ya my nieces, they kindda of obedient. Never go with others except with their parents.
When Noy and I reached Budget Terminal, the gerls were there together with some of my sisters and brothers. Aiyah, damn difficult for my siblings to trust me with my nieces. I suspected that they kindda of reluctant to let their children go with me, but the gerls were all eager to hangloose without their parent.
We took Tiger Airways to Kuala Lumpur LCCT. I had arranged with some friends to pick us at LCCT. We gonna overnite at their place. Not that I cant afford to pay for the hotel, its just that such a waste to check in a hotel when we plan to go up to Genting early in the morning. The girls never complaint even we had to share a room. Infact they were giggling till early morning even we were just like a sardine pack in a tin.
Noy did the checking in while the rest scouching around the lobby area. The apartment that we stayed belong to Noy's company. Its a privilege for staff to use as a vacation and it only cost her S$180 for the weekend stay from Friday to Monday.
The apartment had 2 bedrooms, a kitchenette, a dining and living area. The girls were so excited that they snapped photos of themselves practically everywhere in the apartment, and that include sitting with their clothes on in the jacuzzi. Such a jakunis.
After we had some light food, the girls were ready to swim. Naz, being the eldest was given the task of taking care of the younger cousins. I'm too tired to join them and need a little nap. After an hour, Noy woke me up to go look for the girls.
The girls enjoying themselves in the pool.
We headed to Genting Highland that nite cause my nieces just cant wait for next day. Since its already nite, we only walk around the indoor theme park. No one want to play any of the games. Then we decided to enter the Snow World. Its was fun. Since none of the girls including IS and Jun experience any winter, they were damn excited.
After the snow world, we went around First World hotel and later had a light late dinner at the staff canteen in Theme Park Hotel. Since we were chicken out to take the cable car ride back to Awana in the middle of the nite, thus we waited for the bus service that will bring us to Awana at 12.30 am.
The next day, we headed back to Genting Highland for the outdoor theme park. Naz treated us for the entrance fees which I cant remember how much. Thanks Naz! She just cant wait to try all those rides. I promised myself that I just wanna let the girls enjoy as much as they want. I do not want to stop them from experience all the ride. Aiyah since when this makchu so good ah...! That what Noy asked me when I told her my intention. I was known to my nephews and nieces as a strict person eventhough I always joke and teached them bad things at times..he hehee.
Its was a good day, not much sunlight, cold and luckily no rides were closed. I dont know how many times, Yaya and Naz took the most dangerous ride at Genting Highland. But I sure hell knew that Azila will never want to sit on it because of fear. Amira did once after being chided by her cousin. I forbid Noy from taking that ride cause from the previous times we went for the rides, the aftermath for her was fever. IS, suppose to be the most macho among us, chicken out even for the mild ride like hanging swing. Jun was not that bad ya. The only ride that IS enjoy and said the most thrilling ride everafter is the Merry Go Round. and that cause a big laughter from my nieces.

The girls ready for the thrill.
A quarter way up ...dug dug dug
At the top of it....
Yaya after the ride...Fulfilled and happy with the messy hair.
We spend the whole day at the theme park and only went out half an hour before closing times. We were worn out and hungry by then. Had our dinner at Kopitiam and took the cable car down. This time, we didnt felt chicken out though. I guessed fatigue and craving for the bed conquered the fear.
The third day was spent at Awana playing pools and video games. We were too exhausted to go up Genting Highland again.
We checked out from Awana and headed to Kuala Lumpur. We stayed at Ancasa for a nite and my nieces went shopping at Petaling Street and Sogo. We had a good dinner at Yuen Steamboat with the compliment from Is and Jun. We left for Singapore with so much memories.
Thank you Is and Jun for a nite stay at your placeand the pick up from airport. Thanks Naz for the entrance fee to the Theme Park, thanks Noy for the accomodations and thanks to all for the good vacations.
The trip to KL and Genting Highland was sure a memorable one for me as I had been waiting for so long for my nieces to grow up so that I can bring them to travel with me. I hope to have more trips with them the next time.
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Genting Highland is one of the famous travel destination for all the travel-lovers.
There are lots of sightseeing attractions in this place, which are all the main hub of travel gurus as well.
Genting Highland is one of the famous travel destination for all the travel-lovers.
There are lots of sightseeing attractions in this place, which are all the main hub of travel gurus as well.
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